Tuesday 2 December 2014

Term 4 -Week 7 Artichoke!

Have you tried glove artichoke? Well, we are very lucky to have it in our school garden. The plant is a type of thistle and its flour buds are edible part.
When it was boiled  the green colour of young petal turned into a bright purple. It was then broken into each pieces and served with Aioli (garlic mayonnaise). Most of student had tried it first time although they had seen the plant has been grown in the garden for a few years.

Term 4- Week 5 Banana bread

We kept all left over bananas in freezer after the smoothie session to make a big batch of banana bread. We also added leftover poppy seed and sesame seed to the bread.
It turned out well and student enjoyed it with colourful fruit and edible flour salad for a change from our usual savory menu. Although the beef and veggie stir fry was still popular for meaty-savory lovers.