Friday 27 February 2015

Term 1 week 4 - sushi & samosa

We will have a small group of students from room 16 in our preparation every Thursday. Three experienced little chefs helped me making samosa filling this week! The recipe was totally original using vegetables and spices which we harvested from the garden.
Coriander seeds-from the school garden/ Dill seeds-from Mrs, Turner's garden

Chopping and peeling

Frying spices and onion to get an "aroma"....

colourful filling- purple potatoes was a surprise gift from the garden!

Oven baked and home made pastry

Spiderman also loves sushi!

Welcome to the garden!

The year started off with some sessions at the school garden with room 8 and room 16.
Thank you Mrs. Turner for providing us heaps of learning opportunities and getting our hands into the soil!

 Seeds planting experiment...
Looking through the garden and planning for the coming season.
Happy summer veggies:-)