Monday 7 September 2015

Organic toast and soup

We had a special guest from Purebread who kindly offered the organic bread to go with the soup.
Thank you so much Robert, we had fun!
yumm.. melting butter on hot toasts.

Tuesday 1 September 2015

Our supporters

How lucky we are to have these people who support our healthy lunches!

Fantastic teamwork of senior students.
An ukulele live music!!  We are always looking forward to listen the original songs about the menu, like "chicken soup song" or " potato song".

Trying hard not to spill the soup while dancing!

Term 3 with hot soup

We are offering hot soups every week during the cold season as well as some popular dishes:-)

Cottage pie

Fresh broccoli from school garden!

Sunday 7 June 2015

Wednesday 20 May 2015

Food Revolution Day 2015

It was a successful event! Well done room 16 for making "squash-it-sandwiches" with Jamie Oliver:-)

We grew own lettuce and rainbow coloured carrots!

Jamie on the screen

Tuck in!

Sunday 10 May 2015

Silverbeet and Spinach parcels

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preparing for Food Revolution Day 2015

Room 16 has signed up for Food Revolution Day 2015 school challenge! They are going to make "squash it sandwich" with Jamie Oliver on the 15th May. Here is the boys planting micro green seeds for their sandwich filler. Good luck!

Homemade iceblocks with seasonal flavour

We have been so lucky with Feijoa and Passion fruits in our school garden! They are great in the yoghrt base iceblocks!
we had a very successful year with feijoa!

and passion fruits too.
mixed with banana and greek style yoghrt

This is a feijoa salsa roll!

Sunday 29 March 2015

Busy Term 1 is finishing!

These are some pictures from this term both in kitchen and garden. Thank you for room 8 and 16 for your participation!

Friday 27 February 2015

Term 1 week 4 - sushi & samosa

We will have a small group of students from room 16 in our preparation every Thursday. Three experienced little chefs helped me making samosa filling this week! The recipe was totally original using vegetables and spices which we harvested from the garden.
Coriander seeds-from the school garden/ Dill seeds-from Mrs, Turner's garden

Chopping and peeling

Frying spices and onion to get an "aroma"....

colourful filling- purple potatoes was a surprise gift from the garden!

Oven baked and home made pastry

Spiderman also loves sushi!

Welcome to the garden!

The year started off with some sessions at the school garden with room 8 and room 16.
Thank you Mrs. Turner for providing us heaps of learning opportunities and getting our hands into the soil!

 Seeds planting experiment...
Looking through the garden and planning for the coming season.
Happy summer veggies:-)